Updating LSI MegaRAID firmware in VMware ESXi 5

I recently built a new server to run VMware ESXi.  After installing ESXi 5.0 update 1 and applying the latest patch (ESXi500-201207001), I decided I should update the firmware on the installed MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i RAID controller.  I have a SLAX install on a USB flash drive to do this kind of thing, but I couldn’t find it.  I opted to try using the ESXi console.

I downloaded the latest MegaCLI (version 8.04.07) and used sftp to copy “CLI_VMWare_8.04.07.zip” to /tmp on the ESXi file system.  After extracting the “MegaCLI” binary I ran into a problem caused by a missing library.

/tmp # unzip CLI_VMWare_8.04.07.zip
Archive:  CLI_VMWare_8.04.07.zip
  inflating: MegaCli
  inflating: MegaCli.zip
/tmp # chmod u+x MegaCli
/tmp # ./MegaCli -adpcount

./libstorelib.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Controller Count: 0.

Exit Code: 0x00

The library did not show up in a find of the ESXi file system, but since the MegaCLI ZIP file contained another VMware-related ZIP, I checked that one.  It contained a VIB.

/tmp # unzip CLI_VMWare_MN_8.04.07.zip
Archive:  CLI_VMWare_MN_8.04.07.zip
  inflating: MegaCliMN.zip
/tmp # unzip MegaCliMN.zip
Archive:  MegaCliMN.zip
  inflating: vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.04.07.vib

I’ve installed driver VIBs before, but not recently.  A quick Google search turned up a VMware KB with the esxcli syntax, which unfortunately didn’t work.

/tmp # esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.04.07.vib
 ('LSI_bootbank_vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.04.07_8.04.07-01', 'Could not find a trusted signer.')
       vibs = LSI_bootbank_vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.04.07_8.04.07-01
 Please refer to the log file for more details.

While annoying I figured there must be an option to not verify the signature of the VIB.   The esxcli help showed an option to do this.

/tmp # esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.04.07.vib --no-sig-check
Installation Result
   Message: Operation finished successfully.
   Reboot Required: false
   VIBs Installed: LSI_bootbank_vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.04.07_8.04.07-01
   VIBs Removed:
   VIBs Skipped:

At this point typing “MegaCLI” didn’t work, and the PATH wasn’t updated, but I found the binary and needed library under the /opt directory.

/tmp # ls -1 /opt/lsi/MegaCLI/

And it seemed to work (the server also has a 8308ELP installed, thus the two LSI controllers).

/tmp # cd /opt/lsi/MegaCLI/
/opt/lsi/MegaCLI # ./MegaCli -adpcount

Controller Count: 2.

Exit Code: 0x02

I downloaded the latest firmware to my laptop (version 12.12.0-0111) and copied the ROM file to the ESXi file system and attempted the update.  I received yet another error.

/opt/lsi/MegaCLI # ./MegaCli -adpfwflash -f mr2108fw.rom -a0

Adapter 0: LSI MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i
Vendor ID: 0x1000, Device ID: 0x0079

Package version on the controller: 12.0.1-0057
Package version of the image file: 12.12.0-0111
Download Completed.
Flashing image to adapter...
Firmware Failed to FLASH flash. Stop!!!

Exit Code: 0x11

A quick Google search suggested a staged update, that is, update to a firmware that is not quite as new as the latest, and from there go to the latest firmware.  Annoyingly, the 9261-8i product page only listed the latest firmware for download, but by going to the general support page I found some older firmwares (hint: after expanding “FIRMWARE”, click on the “Archived” link).  I downloaded the oldest one available, version 12.11.0-0016, copied the ROM file to the ESXi file system, and ran the update.  Success!

/opt/lsi/MegaCLI # ./MegaCli -adpfwflash -f mr2108fw.rom -a0

Adapter 0: LSI MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i
Vendor ID: 0x1000, Device ID: 0x0079

Package version on the controller: 12.0.1-0057
Package version of the image file: 12.11.0-0016
Download Completed.
Flashing image to adapter...
Adapter 0: Flash Completed.
Please reboot the system for the changes to take effect

Exit Code: 0x00

After the reboot I attempted updating to the latest firmware… it worked!

/opt/lsi/MegaCLI # ./MegaCli -adpfwflash -f mr2108fw.rom -a0

Adapter 0: LSI MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i
Vendor ID: 0x1000, Device ID: 0x0079

Package version on the controller: 12.11.0-0016
Package version of the image file: 12.12.0-0111
Download Completed.
Flashing image to adapter...
Adapter 0: Flash Completed.
Please reboot the system for the changes to take effect

Exit Code: 0x00

After another reboot the card was indeed running the latest firmware, so I was essentially done.

/opt/lsi/MegaCLI # ./MegaCli -adpallinfo -a0|grep ^FW
FW Package Build: 12.12.0-0111
FW Version         : 2.130.353-1663

However, the esxcli help mentioned that installing unsigned VIBs would result in a warning being displayed in vSphere Client.  I didn’t want that so I went ahead and removed the VIB.

/tmp # esxcli software vib remove -n vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.04.07
Removal Result
   Message: Operation finished successfully.
   Reboot Required: false
   VIBs Installed:
   VIBs Removed: LSI_bootbank_vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.04.07_8.04.07-01
   VIBs Skipped:

I figure I won’t be using MegaCLI much so installing the VIB as needed doesn’t seem likely to be a hassle.  If it gets annoying I can always install it and ignore the warning (if any).  I hope this helps someone.  Some of it is covered in the excellent Mastering VMware vSphere 5 from Sybex (and probably the updated Mastering VMware vSphere 5.5) but the rest required piecing things together from Google searches and trial and error.

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16 Responses to Updating LSI MegaRAID firmware in VMware ESXi 5

  1. Matthew House says:

    Thanks! Had almost exactly the same task to accomplish and your article was a big help!

  2. Paul says:

    Thanks for the instructions! Great help, everything worked, although now i feel like it would be easier to boot from Linux Live CD/USB and just do it from there.

  3. There’s a new MegaCLI (version 8.07.07) available. The zip (8.07.07_MegaCLI.zip) contains a vib file (vmware-esx-MegaCli-8.07.07.vib) which can be installed using the same procedure as detailed above.

    I installed this vib on a host running ESXi 5.1 Update 1 with the latest patch (ESXi510-201305001 / build 1117900) and it works fine. I successfully upgraded my 9261-8i to the latest firmware (12.13.0-0154 / 2.130.383-2315).

  4. Thanks!! I just spent many, many hours to update my LSI MEGARAID SAS 9260-4i from 12.0.1-0081 to within ESXi 5.1. After reading your blog and using 12.11.0-0016 inbetween it took only another 10 minutes to update the firmware

  5. Paul Ng says:

    Thanks! Your post helped a lot. I have been spending the last few days trying to downgrade my firmware without any success until I read your step-by-step instructions. The only change I’d made is to add “-noverchk” before “-a0” to flash to the older firmware.

  6. Sam Soyer says:

    This helped a lot. Thanks for taking the time to write this up. The LSI documentation really is lacking. I mean you can not even get the vibs to install without using the –no-sig-check but they fail to mention that to start with.

  7. Pingback: ORBIT SPACE

  8. mayak says:

    hi all,

    has anyone had luck with esxi 5.5 — i get the missing libstorelib.so error, however, installing the vib is not help …



  9. Teng says:

    Wow! Thanks a lot. Your post helpful. it worked for me (on esx5.5U1 with LSI9261-8i.) also i have problem with CacheCade that i hope it will solve this.


  10. Aleksei K says:

    Maybe i can refresh MegaCLI url

  11. Alok says:

    Has anyone been able to successfully execute these commands in ESXi 6.0?
    For me on executing ./MegaCli -LDInfo -LAll -aAll it throws:
    Exit Code: 0x01.


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