Tag Archives: scripting

Implementing an IP blocklist with firewalld

In 2013 I wrote about using IP sets and iptables to block IP addresses from a blocklist provided by organizations such as OpenBL.  The Bash script I wrote for that was usable at the time, but in the intervening years many Linux distributions (including … Continue reading

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Mass blocking of evil IP addresses with iptables and IP sets

When running a Linux server or firewall it may be useful to use iptables to block a list of known “evil” IP addresses.  There are many organizations maintaining “block lists” of such IPs, such as Spamhaus, DShield, and OpenBL.  Blocking … Continue reading

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Configuring Flash Player Settings and Updates with VBScript

Adobe Flash Player on Microsoft Windows is is configured by a file, mms.cfg, rather than registry entries.  For a computing environment using Active Directory, a file is more troublesome to handle than registry entries, which can easily be controlled with … Continue reading

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Common Windows Scripting Languages

Everyone knows that PowerShell is the new hotness for scripting on Windows.  Microsoft is promoting it heavily, and many of their GUI-based administrator tools even use PowerShell.  This is all well and good, but most Windows systems administrators will have … Continue reading

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